CONTACT: Grace Laura Thomas, 212-560-2513, gracelaurathomas@gmail.com
Member Warren Woodberry Jr. Featured in Newspaper’s “People on the Move”
(HEMPSTEAD, NY) - 100 Hundred Black Men of Long Island Inc. Public
Relations Chairman, Warren Woodberry Jr., was recently recognized by
Newsday, featured in the newspaper’s ‘People on the Move’ section.
Newsday recognized Warren for his recent appointment as the Chapter’s
Public Relations Chairman on March 12, 2010.
To view the ‘People on the Move’ feature visit:
“I’m honored that Newsday recognized my appointment as Public
Relations Chairman for the 100 Black Men of Long Island Inc.,” said
Warren. “The ‘People on the Move’ feature is a great service to the
community, in that it informs the public of who is the point of
contact for an organization.
Those interested in partnering with the 100 Black Men of Long Island, whether it’s through our youth mentoring program, economic development initiatives or our health and wellness agenda, can communicate with us their interest in working together to
improve our community.”
“It is always a joy to see positive news on our members, and for
Warren to be featured in Newsday, it speaks highly of his commitment
and dedication as a member to bettering the 100 Black Men of Long
Island,” said Phil Andrews, President for OHBMLI.
“Since taking on the role as Public Relations Chairman, Warren has helped increased the Chapter’s visibility and enhanced its public image. It is a privilege
to have Warren as one our members.”
The ‘People on the Move’ feature is not the first time that Warren has
appeared in Newsday. Warren, who worked 15 years as a journalist
established his reporting roots at the paper as an intern reporter in
the Manhattan Bureau of New York Newsday, was featured in a Newsday
Queens Neighborhood Profile for his journalism aspirations, and was a
high school reporter for the Newsday Youth Summer Job Supplement.
For more information contact Grace Laura Thomas at 212-560-2513 or